Saturday, September 8, 2012

3.FICO Score - The Most Used Credit Score System

The most used credit score system is commonly called FICO score, developed by Fair Isaac Company. Fair Isaac methodology became public in 1986 and one decade later, more than eighty per cent of mortgage companies were already using it for credit decisions. Therefore, credit reports information must come from secure, reliable and using specific techniques to filter information. These agencies as it was referred before are bureaus, informational agencies that give credit profiles or credit history.
This method uses many variables to predict consumer’s risk and is able to turn it measurable in a scale. The FICO range is 300 to 850.

Do you remember the five major components of Post 1?

1. 35%: Payment history
2. 30%: Credit utilization
3. 15%: Length of credit history
4. 10%: Types of credit used
5. 10%: Recent searches for credit

In that range customers are classified as:

I decided to use this method because it is a Universal and user friendly framework.

Final Score

Next Post will be about component number 1 – Payment History and how it affects FICO score.

Additional Information

John Uizheimer, president of consumer education in U.S A elucidates that “score of 820 to 830 can make you seem unprofitable for the company.” So just 5.7 % of the population do not represent profit for lenders. 

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